ارسال اس ام اس - پنل پیامک

بازگشت به صفحه اصلی



Happy birthday my true love

Your beauty stems from up above

Sweetest smile and kindest heart

Like a priceless piece of precious art.



Wish you a very happy birthday

May life lead you 2 great happiness

success and hope dat

all your wishes comes true!

enjoy your day.



In soft gleaming of stars….

may all ur dreams come true,

may evry star of every night bring love and joy to you

Happy Birthday



Birthdays are 4 fun

Enjoy a sticky bun

I’m glad u r my mate


Hope ur birthdays great.









I know its your birthday 2day..

I am sure you’ll give me treat in a big hotel..

so i shall talk to u in personal there,

coz i dunno to express my feelings in SMS”



In soft gleaming night of stars,

May all your dreams come true.

May every star of every night,

Bring love and joy to you.

Happy Birthday to you.








I know its your birthday 2day..

I am sure you’ll give me treat in a big hotel..

so i shall talk to u in personal there,

coz i dunno to express my feelings in SMS”



Wishing you way too much birthday!

HAve a great day.. .








A riddle for your birthday–


What kind of cereal do cats eat for breakfast?

Mice crispies.


Happy Birthday



Birthdays come just once a year–So have fun when your birthday‘s here!

Happy Birthday



Its always a treat to wish Happy Birthday to someone so Sweet.



Wish you a many many happy returns of the day. May God bless you with health,

wealth and prosperity in your life.



Wishing you all the fun and excitement that only birthdays can bring, Happy Birthday



Its just another day, but this one is the best of the year! Happy Birthday my sweetheart.



wishing u a day soft as silk…..

white as milk…..

sweet as honey&full of money.

may all ur dreams come true….




Somebody up there Loves you

Somebody down here cares for you

Happy Birthday!!!



A prayer: 2 bless ur way

A wish : 2 lighten ur moments

A cheer: 2 perfect ur day

A text: 2 say HAPPY BIRTH DAY